Mental Health Care
In the practice we have a Praktijk ondersteuner huisartsgeneeskunde – Geestelijke gezondheidszorg (POH-GGZ). The POH-GGZ and the general practitioner work together in treating and guiding people with psychosocial and psychological inquiries.
What is a POH-GGZ?
The POH-GGZ has knowledge and experience in the field of mental health care. Because of the expertise in the field of psychological and psychosocial care, short-term treatment or guidance within the general practice is often possible.
With which complaints can you go to the POH-GGZ?
Among other things:
• Anxiety and tension complaints
• Feeling down, a possible depression
• Tensions at home or at work
• Symptoms of burn out
• Grievance, loss of a loved one
• Help in regards to substance use and/or abuse
• Sexual dysfunction
• Relationship problems
What can the POH-GGZ do for you?
During the intake interview of 45 minutes, the POH-GGZ will asses your request for help with you. Depending on your needs and request for help, follow-up appointments will be made. Sometimes it is necessary to refer you to another care provider or institution (such as a social worker, a psychologist practice or a mental health care institution). The POH-GGZ will assist you in finding the most suitable solution for you.
How is an appointment made at the POH-GGZ?
For an appointment at the POH-GGZ, a referral from your general practitioner is required. You can first discuss with your doctor whether a meeting with the POH-GGZ could be useful for you. If this is the case, a first appointment will be made for an intake interview.
You are not charged for the appointments with the POH-GGZ. The consultations are part of the general practitioner care in the basic package of your health insurance.